Enquiry or discovery – What is the difference?
Read this article to be aware of the difference between an HMRC enquiry and a discovery assessment #discovery #assessment #enquiry
Trivial benefits – Make use of the exemption
The trivial benefits exemption allows employers to provide low-cost benefits to employees without triggering a tax liability. Read this article to find out the conditions that must be met and the traps to avoid.
New corporation tax regime
Corporation tax was reformed from 1 April 2023. Read this article to find out how your corporation tax liability will be calculated under the new rules.
Is an alphabet share structure still worthwhile?
The dividend allowance is reduced from £2,000 to £1,000 from 6 April 2023 and to £500 from 6 April 2024. Read this article to find out whether an alphabet share structure is still beneficial.
Basis period reform – Preparing for the transition
From 2024/25 unincorporated businesses will be taxed on their profits for the tax year. Read this article to find out about the new rules and the transition from the current year basis to the tax year basis. #basisperiodreform
The taxation of cryptocurrency
Read this article to find out the tax position of cryptocurrency #cryptocurrency #taxposition
Make use of simplified expenses
If you run your unincorporated property business from home, you can use simplified expenses to calculate how much to deduct in respect of additional household costs incurred as a result. Read this article to find out more.
Do we need to register for VAT?
If you make taxable supplies for VAT, you will need to register for VAT if your taxable supplies exceed or will exceed the VAT registration threshold. Read this article to find out when you must register and how to register.
Extracting further profits in 2023/24
Read this article to determine whether it would be beneficial to take further profits from your personal or family company before the 2023/24 tax year comes to an end.
Making pension contributions before 6 April 2024
The ability to make tax-relieved pension contributions is limited by both your earnings and your available annual allowances. Read this article to help you assess whether it would be possible to make further tax-relieved contributions before the end of the 2023/24 tax year.
Register to payroll benefits in kind
Instead of reporting taxable benefits to HMRC on form P11D after the end of the tax year, employers can opt to deal with those benefits through the payroll (‘payrolling’). Read this article to find out how to register to payroll benefits in kind in 2024/25.
NMW from April 2024 – Make sure you comply
The National Living Wage and the National Minimum Wage are increased from 1 April 2024. Read this article to find out the new rates applying from that date.
Tax implications of buying a customer list
Read this article to determine the tax implications should your business buy another firm's customer list. #customerlistimplications
Are you ready for the change? Self-employed – Basis period reform
Read this article to find out about tax calculation changes for many self-employed and partnership businesses.
What happens when your salary goes over £100k?
What happens when your salary goes over £100k?
My Own…Maximising Extracting Value Tax Diagnostic
For a number of years now I’ve been operating across a range of businesses. Therefore when I look at the 32 ways I’m looking at it in that context.
For me, money management is not about the money you earn, but the money you keep. That’s why I love tax consultancy so much. It focuses on this mantra.
Family and personal companies – Optimal salary for 2023/24
Taking a small salary and extracting further profits from a personal or family company as dividends is a tax-efficient strategy. Read this article to find out what is the optimal salary for 2023/24.
Mileage allowances – What can you pay tax-free?
Read this article to find out what mileage payments can be paid tax-free #approvedmileagepayments #advisoryfuelrates
Pension changes
Read this article to find out about changes to pension tax relief #annualallowance #lifetimeallowance
32 Ways to Get the Maximum Value out of your Business
A question I get asked all the time is: ‘What can I take out of my business?’ and ‘how do I save more tax?’ Well, the quick answer is, ‘there’s up to 32 ways to get value out of your business, tax efficiently.’ Yep, that’s a lot of ways ⬇