10 Steps to Closing a Company
There may come a point when you no longer need to trade through a limited company, however as the business is a legal entity the process of closing a company is far from simple. This guide explains the steps involved.
Tax implications of company failure
Read this article to find out about the tax implications of a company ceasing to trade.
Do you have to take a dividend? Reasons why not to
Read this article to discover the rules for waiving dividends.
Is it time to disincorporate?
Read this article to see whether your company should be considering disincorporation as more accounting detail will shortly be made available to the public.
Splitting a company - Tax efficiently
Read this article to find out the ways that a company can be split.
Associated companies and impending corporation tax rate changes – what are the tax implications?
Read this article to find out the financial impact on your company should your company be ‘associated’ with another. #taximplications #associatedcompanies
Have you used your 2023/24 dividend allowance?
All taxpayers are entitled to a dividend allowance and can enjoy dividend income up to the level of the allowance tax-free. Read this article to discover whether you should declare a dividend before the end of the tax year to prevent your dividend allowance from being wasted.
Trivial benefits – Make use of the exemption
The trivial benefits exemption allows employers to provide low-cost benefits to employees without triggering a tax liability. Read this article to find out the conditions that must be met and the traps to avoid.
New corporation tax regime
Corporation tax was reformed from 1 April 2023. Read this article to find out how your corporation tax liability will be calculated under the new rules.
Is an alphabet share structure still worthwhile?
The dividend allowance is reduced from £2,000 to £1,000 from 6 April 2023 and to £500 from 6 April 2024. Read this article to find out whether an alphabet share structure is still beneficial.
Loans to directors – beware of the higher section 455 charge
Read this article to find out about the rate of section 455 tax on outstanding director’s loans. #directorsloans #section455tax
Associated company rules - changes from April 2023
From 1 April 2023, the rules are changing such that the rate of corporation tax that a company pays, and when, will be dependent on the level of its profits as well as the number of its associated companies.
Is paying mileage allowances at the approved rate still a good idea?
Approved mileage allowances can be paid tax free. This article explains the action you can take if they do not cover actual costs. #AMAP
Involuntary strike-off: what can you do?
Read this article to find out what you can do is a notice to strike off your company is published in the Gazette #involuntarystrikeoff
Take advantage of the dividend allowance
Read this article to find out how to use available dividend allowances to extract profits from a family company #dividendallowance
Five tax-efficient ways to extract profits
Read this article to discover 5 tax-efficient ways to extract profits from a personal or family company #profitextraction #salary #dividends
Companies – claim extended loss relief online
Because of the pandemic, the carry-back window for loss relief was extended. Where companies want to claim under the extended rules, it can be done online ahead of the tax return filing date. Learn more in this article. #companytax #taxadvice