Are you able to claim small business rate relief for your furnished holiday let?
Read this article to see whether you are eligible for small business rate relief on your furnished holiday let #smallbusinessraterelief
Five tax-efficient ways to extract profits
Read this article to discover 5 tax-efficient ways to extract profits from a personal or family company #profitextraction #salary #dividends
Can you benefit from rent-a-room?
You can potentially earn rental income tax-free if you let out a furnished room in your own home. Learn more about the rent a room scheme in this article. #propertytax #rentaroom
Relief for pre-trading expenses
If your company incurs costs before it starts trading, you can claim tax relief for these costs. In this article, you can learn which pre-trading costs are covered and how to claim the relief. #taxtips #businessexpenses
National Insurance changes from July 2022
There have been a lot of changes to National Insurance Contributions and some of them are set to take effect during the tax year. Ensure you are familiar with what’s changing by reading this article. #nationalinsurance #taxchanges
Making use of the property income allowance
You can earn a small amount of income from your properties tax-free. Make sure you’re benefiting from the property income allowance by reading this article. #propertytax #landlords
Companies – claim extended loss relief online
Because of the pandemic, the carry-back window for loss relief was extended. Where companies want to claim under the extended rules, it can be done online ahead of the tax return filing date. Learn more in this article. #companytax #taxadvice
How to claim tax relief for employment expenses
Employees that incur expenses to carry out their jobs are able to claim tax relief subject to certain conditions. In this article, you can learn what reliefs are available to employees and how to claim for them.
Income from savings – What is tax-free
You can enjoy more of your savings income tax-free than you might have realised. Read this article to learn what dedicated allowances, tax rates and reliefs may apply to your savings income.
VAT flat rate scheme – is it worthwhile?
The VAT flat rate scheme is a simplified scheme that can save work. Instead of working out the VAT that you need to pay over to HMRC by deducting input VAT from output VAT, you pay a fixed percentage of your VAT-inclusive turnover. The percentage depends on the nature of your business.
Tell HMRC that your company is dormant
If your company is no longer trading and does not have any other income, you can tell HMRC that it is dormant. This will relieve you of the need to file a company tax return or pay corporation tax.
Using your annual exempt amount for 2021/22
All individuals are entitled to an annual exempt amount for capital gains tax purposes. Net gains (chargeable gains less allowable losses) for the tax year are free of capital gain tax to the extent that they are covered by the annual exempt amount. For 2021/22, the annual exempt amount is set at £12,300.
Tax relief for pre-trading expenses
Did you know that you can claim tax relief for revenue and capital expenses that were incurred in setting your business up? In this article you can learn more about pre-trading expenses. #businesstax #tadadvice
Electric company cars – are they still tax-efficient?
Where an employee has a company car that is available for his or her private use, they are taxed on the benefit that this provide. The taxable amount is a percentage – the appropriate percentage – of the list price of the car and optional accessories.
CGT on Cryptoassets
Cryptoassets are a relatively new type of asset that have become more prevalent in recent years. New technology has led to cryptoassets being created in a wide range of forms and for various different uses.
CGT and Your Principal Private Residence
The sale of an individual's home is normally exempt from CGT, with neither a taxable gain nor loss arising. This is certainly the case where it has been the individual's only or main residence throughout the period it has been owned, or if owned prior to 31 March 1982, then the period since then.
VAT - Entertaining Expenses
VAT cannot be recovered on business entertainment expenditure. This includes the gratuitous provision to customers or clients of hotel accommodation, food and drink or tickets to events.
Are workers employees?
It is important to know whether a worker is employed or self-employed as there are many differences in the way in which they will be taxed.
Recording directors’ expenses correctly
It is only permissible for a company to deduct expenditure in computing its taxable profits if incurred wholly and exclusively for the purposes of the trade. Since a company is a separate legal entity that stands apart from its directors and shareholders, it will not incur personal expenses.
VAT for Beginners
Most purchases carry a VAT charge. Value Added Tax (VAT) is levied on most business transactions and on many goods and some services.