Tell HMRC that your company is dormant
If your company is no longer trading and does not have any other income, you can tell HMRC that it is dormant. This will relieve you of the need to file a company tax return or pay corporation tax.
Recording directors’ expenses correctly
It is only permissible for a company to deduct expenditure in computing its taxable profits if incurred wholly and exclusively for the purposes of the trade. Since a company is a separate legal entity that stands apart from its directors and shareholders, it will not incur personal expenses.
Corporation Tax Self-Assessment
The corporation tax self-assessment return (CTSA) must be submitted to HMRC along with the accounts and tax computations, although it is possible to file all this information online through the HMRC website.
Directors’ loans – Beware of ‘bed and breakfasting’
It can make sense financially for directors of personal and family companies to borrow money from the company rather than from a commercial lender. Depending on when in the financial year the loan is taken out, it is possible to borrow up to £10,000 for up to 21 months without any tax consequences. However, if the loan remains outstanding beyond a certain point, tax charges will apply.
Preparing For Your Year End Accounts
This helpsheet provides you with an overview of the information to provide to us to enable completion of your end of year accounts.
Getting ready for off-payroll working changes
From 6 April 2020 the off-payroll working rules that have applied since 6 April 2017 where the end client is a public sector body are to be extended to large and medium private sector organisations who engage workers providing their services through an intermediary, such as a personal service company.
Should I incorporate my business?
The question of whether to incorporate commonly arises as a business expands - the limited liability status that company formation provides is often needed to start winning contracts with bigger companies.
Timing dividends right could help save tax
Timing the date of a dividend payment from a company can determine both the amount and the due date of the tax payable. This may be a particularly useful strategy in a close- or family-owned company.
Directors Responsibilities
Whilst shareholders are the owners of limited companies the job of running them rests with the directors and they must do so for the benefit of the shareholders whilst ensuring compliance with the law.
Using a Limited Company to Save Property Tax
The analysis of whether it is beneficial for a property investor to use a limited company can be complex and this helpsheet aims to identify some of the key advantages in considering a limited company for this purpose.
What Expenses Can I Claim Through a Limited company
As the Director of your own limited company, you can claim expenses on costs you have incurred on certain business-related items and activities. Are you aware of the limited company expenses you may be able to claim?